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"I encourage everyone to love their country. It is part of who you are because it is where you come from.  It is important to focus on what is good and stand together united, pushing for progress. Don't be afraid to show your patriotism"

Yvonne D. Torrington, CT
“Law enforcement officers are never ‘off duty.’ They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.”

Daniel R. Old Saybrook, CT
"Patriotism can be a hard concept to grasp but to me, it isn't solely about blinding loyalty to one's country, but it is about love and respect. This doesn't mean that there is a belief that one's country is the absolute best, but it means that there is pride in one's origins and a desire for that country to thrive."

Carlos R. Southbury, CT